
Anyone that knows me knows that I am a total autumnophile. I absolutely adore everything about fall: the clothes, the food, the scents, the sights, the activities. I love every aspect of the aesthetics of fall and I love how cozy the home becomes this time of year. Like I said, I love it.

“Delicious autumn! My very soul
is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns.”
-George Eliot


I just so happen to share this love of fall with my brother and my father. I have been after both of them to come up here to Michigan to experience a proper autumn for the last 3 years. The reason I’ve had ants in my pants to get them up here is because I knew we’d only be here for a few years. As it turns out, this is our last year here. So it’s my family’s last chance. Well, this year I get my wish. My immediate family is flying up this coming weekend: Mama, Papa, Pooh Bear and Big Bro D. I’m so excited for them to witness the three things that I feel make autumn in Michigan so wonderful:

Sugar Maples
Sugar Maples

Honeycrisp Apples
honeycrisp apples

Cider Mills
cider mills

So while they are here I plan to take them to my favorite apple cider mill, Uncle John’s. We don’t have these down south. Not in abundance like they do here. They also don’t have Honeycrisp apples in abundance down south the way we do here.  These three things will be what I miss most about Michigan once we move, other than my friends of course.

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted and for that I apologize. These last 7 months have been pretty busy. During this time Dr. J landed a job back home in Bama. So maybe I should start calling him Professor J now, heh. Here, enjoy this Michigan native singing Sweet Home Alabama.

We’ll be leaving the frozen north come Christmas. While I’m glad I won’t have to shovel snow anymore or worry about frostbite during those crazy winter vortexes, I fear I have acclimated to the cooler temps. The heat may take some getting used to. I’m moving back home so I’ll just have to acclimate, no biggie.

Anyway, we’re in the process of buying a nice place on 9 acres out in the county. What are y’all going to do with all of that land you may be wondering? Well, I have always been pretty mercurial in what I wanted to do or be when I grow up. After years of trying to figure it out and countless changes of my major in college, I finally came to the conclusion that maybe I should do the one thing that I never lost interest in and that happens to be growing and preserving food. I’ve been an avid fan of agritainment places for years. While I don’t know if we will ever get into the business of agritourism we do plan to run a small scale hobby farm or market garden in our yard and do a bit of homesteading. I’m really excited about this endeavor. This is all going to be new to me so keep an eye out for future posts on my adventures of going from a stay at home mom city girl to a small town country farm girl. This should be fun.

One comment on “Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes….

  1. It will be wonderful to have you back! Now I’m not sure how long I’ll be in Alabama myself, but I will be around until at least July I suppose. I can’t wait to see you again and see what you all will do with your farm and market!

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