
The other day as I was browsing around on FB I saw a news article on the Oregon situation and shooting.  I messed up big time and read some of the comments.

First and only rule of reading news articles…


The pure stupidity and hatefulness will get you every time.  I know this but I let curiosity get the best of me.  I saw where one guy actually said he wished they had all been shot and killed.  Sadly this didn’t surprise me cause I’ve seen quite a few people say this.  At first I was appalled and then I just felt sorry for the guy.  What must his life be like that he has so much hate in his heart?  I mean really?  Wishing death upon them and wishing that kind of pain on those people’s family members, all because they sat in an empty building with guns or because he didn’t agree with why they did it?  They didn’t harm anyone, nor even threaten anyone, yet this guy wished death upon them?  I just can’t wrap my head around that.  I have NEVER wished death on anyone, nor will I ever.  Maybe I expect more humanity from my fellow humans?  Is it really too much to expect?  Good grief, I hope not!


n. a state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence, which force you to revise your image of what can happen in this world—mending the fences of your expectations, weeding out all unwelcome and invasive truths, cultivating the perennial good that’s buried under the surface, and propping yourself up like an old scarecrow, who’s bursting at the seams but powerless to do anything but stand there and watch.

Anyway, this got me to thinking about the supposed “state of the world”, all the hatred oozing out of people that we are exposed to on a daily basis and how social media tends to work as an emotional multiplier.  To be honest, it depresses the hell out of me and naturally it makes me angry and I see just how easily emotions can go viral.  This is why I personally don’t post anything religious, political or angry on my own FB.  Emotions are contagious.  I want to share laughter and fun with my friends.  I got to thinking about how the internet has been such a blessing and a curse.  Sometimes all the negativity, hate and anger is just overwhelming.  I usually take a break at this point.  I think I liked it much better when I didn’t know what everyone thought 24/7.  All of the memes, you should think this, act like this, like this candidate, hate this candidate, the keyboard courage, the shaming, the snark, the passive aggressiveness, it all just gets so mentally exhausting.  I liked it better when I had to ask people for their opinions rather than have them shoved down my throat every time I log on.

So after having been put in a bad mood by all of that nonsense it was time to go get the kids from school.  As I was leaving I stopped at the end of the driveway as is my routine, and I got the mail.  I always look forward to checking the mail just as I always get excited when I’ve ordered something and I’m anticipating it’s arrival.  I love getting magazines and Christmas cards at Christmas time.  Most days it’s junk mail or bills.  Nothing to get excited about.  This got me to thinking about back when I was a teenager and I had pen pals.  I guess that is why I still get excited about getting mail.  I remember that anticipation and excitement and who wouldn’t be happy to see colorfully decorated envelopes just for you in the mailbox.  It was fun and it made me happy.  It was all made even better if the letter also contained either pictures or friendship books.  Today with FB, email, text, etc people don’t have to sit down and write, they can just type it out.  Now they can even do it in 140 characters or less on Twitter.  It is all so impersonal.  Has convenience just about killed the art of writing?  People can’t or just won’t even take the time to write anymore.  Surely people could find the time if they just had the desire?  I mean who doesn’t like to get letters in the mail from their friends?  I know I sure would like to get some mail that isn’t junk or a bill.  After doing a cursory look on FB for the term pen pals I found this article.  It’s from last year so it’s still fairly recent but it says that having pen pals is making a comeback.  I sure hope so.  It seems I’m not the only one that wants to bring this back.  I’m all for this.  Let’s add a little sunshine to everyone’s day and start writing snail mail letters to our friends or even better, make a new friend by becoming someone’s pen pal.  For those who just don’t have the time or interest in writing, share something funny or happy online.  Let’s make laughter viral because we could all use it.

I finally found a word for how social media tends to affect me.


n. a state of exhaustion with how shitty people can be to each other, typically causing a countervailing sense of affection for things that are sincere but not judgmental, are unabashedly joyful, or just are.