Welcome to the Federation Starship SS Buttcrack

The Cultess also likes Bloody Marys in the sun.

Me drinking a Bloody Mary in the sun.

I am your captain, The Cultess Alura.  A Cultess is kind of like a Countess, only not.  You can call me Alura though, if you prefer.   Let me take a moment to introduce myself to you.  I am a stay at home mom, a city girl living in the country, a part time metal head, part time fangirl, and a full time 80’s kid with the hopes of becoming a homesteader.  I’m an introverted extrovert, a bit of a geek, a lover of music, and all things beachy or autumn.  I also really really love scented stuff.  And vikings.

As a Cultess naturally I have my own special little cult or as most people call them, family.  They are my crew on this Starship.  My co-captain is Dr. J.  He is the man of my dreams who also happens to be a mad scientist.  I have three awesome crew members.  Pooh Bear is my 20 year old.  She’s a bit reclusive (she’s our introvert) and loves 80’s retro stuff like her mama.  She also likes to draw and write, a lot.  Pookie is our 10 year old.  She is our extrovert2.  She is our junior scientist who could also probably kick our butts thanks to all of the Taekwondo lessons.  Then there is Buddy.  He’s our 6 year old little tiny tornado.  We’re still trying to figure him out.

What is this blog all about, you may be asking?  What’s in it?  Well, I’ll tell you.  A little bit of everything and maybe even the kitchen sink too.  Things you might expect to see here are; fandom, geekiness, nostalgia, silliness, some seriousness,  music videos, musings, gardening, canning, recipes, lots of photos, my kids, my husband, me and my life.  I like to think of this blog as my uncensored outlet, my escape from Snarkbook.  Stay a while and let’s be friends, shall we?

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