Pantry Surprise

Wednesday nights in our house have become “Pantry Surprise” night. The point of pantry surprise is to clear out all of the old stuff that gathers in the back of the pantry. Props to Dr. J for this nifty idea cause lord knows our pantry needs clearing out. Since I know exactly where everything is in our pantry I have Dr. J do the honors of closing his eyes, reaching in and pulling out something. Whatever he pulls out I have to make dinner with the following Wednesday. This past week, I kid you not, it was a bag of cinnamon spice quick bread mix that was from 2001 with a best used by date of 2004. I honestly didn’t realize we had anything that old in our pantry. I was scared. Really scared. I decided to make the bread as part of a breakfast dinner consisting of eggs (with Louisiana hot sauce of course), country ham, fruit and the bread. The bread actually turned out pretty good. It was crumbly but other than that, still totally edible and that in itself is kinda frightening too.
